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Please mark your calendar! April 12th (Saturday) 2025 for the 36th Annual Cardiology Day for the Practitioner.

Canadian Heart Research Centre

The Canadian Heart Research Centre (CHRC) is an academic organization specializing in the design, conduct and publication of quality improvement initiatives in the peer review literature.

CHRC aims to address and improve physicians’ adherence to clinical practice guidelines in the diagnoses, treatment and prevention of cardio - metabolic diseases in North America.

 Recent CHRC Publications

  • 1, Langer, et al. Is treatment inertia unique to publicly funded healthcare? Insights from the Guidelines Oriented Approach to Lipid Lowering (GOAL) Canada Program. J Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Interventions 4(7); Doi:10.31579/2641-0419/154.
  • 2, Langer A, et al. Does management of lipid lowering differ between specialists and primary care: Insights from GOAL Canada. Int J Clin Pract 2020;00:e13861.
  •  3, Lee, et al. Association Between Patient and Physician Sex and Physician-Estimated Stroke and Bleeding Risks in AtrialAssociation between patient and physician sex and physician-estimated stroke and bleeding risks in atrial fibrillation. Can J Cardiol 2019;35:160-168.
  • 4, Leiter, et al. Glycated hemoglobin level goal achievement in adults with type 2 diabetes in Canada: Still room for improvement. Can J Diabetes 2019;43(6):384-391.